
Primitive and flexible state management for React


atomWithBroadcast creates an atom. The atom will be shared between browser tabs and frames, similar to atomWithStorage but with the initialization limitation.

This can be useful when you want the state to interact with each other without the use of localStorage and that by just using The Broadcast Channel API allows basic communication between browsing contexts (that is, windows, tabs, frames, create a component or iframes) and workers on the same origin. According to the MDN documentation receiving a message in initialization is not supported in broadcast and if we want to support that we may need to add extra stuff to atomWithBroadcast (like local storage).

import { atom } from 'jotai'
export function atomWithBroadcast<Value>(key: string, initialValue: Value) {
const baseAtom = atom(initialValue)
const listeners = new Set<(event: MessageEvent<any>) => void>()
const channel = new BroadcastChannel(key)
channel.onmessage = (event) => {
listeners.forEach((l) => l(event))
const broadcastAtom = atom<Value, { isEvent: boolean; value: Value }>(
(get) => get(baseAtom),
(get, set, update) => {
set(baseAtom, update.value)
if (!update.isEvent) {
broadcastAtom.onMount = (setAtom) => {
const listener = (event: MessageEvent<any>) => {
setAtom({ isEvent: true, value: })
return () => {
const returnedAtom = atom<Value, Value>(
(get) => get(broadcastAtom),
(get, set, update) => {
set(broadcastAtom, { isEvent: false, value: update })
return returnedAtom
const broadAtom = atomWithBroadcast('count', 0)
const ListOfThings = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useAtom(broadAtom)
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>+1</button>